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We aim to provide an environment that encourages children to develop fully their ability to use language, both spoken and written. The skills developed in English are necessary for all areas of the curriculum and are used throughout the school week. However, specific English teaching takes place during the daily Literacy lesson.

Speaking and listening: Our children are given opportunities to communicate their ideas in a variety of situations. These may take the form of a discussion with a partner, a group, or class. Regular celebration assemblies, to which parents are invited, provide children with an opportunity to speak to larger audiences.

Writing is a vital communication tool. We aim to teach children to write for a wide range of purposes. Children have the opportunity to develop their factual and creative writing and their ability to write poetry. Pupils are encouraged to work with increasing independence; dictionary skills are taught in order to aid this process.

Handwriting is taught as a skill with an emphasis placed upon the careful presentation of work.

Spelling: The carefully structured Letters and Sounds phonics programme supports oustanding progress in reading and spelling.