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How we learn to read at Weeton Primary

We base our reading scheme primarily on Pearson 'Bug Club'.  However, at each level, we also use books from other reading schemes such as Oxford Reading Tree as supplementary and extension readers. This enables us to consolidate learning and develop as wide a reading vocabulary as possible. 'Phonics' is our primary method of teaching reading supported by the 'look and say' approach.

Children take their reading book home each day in order to practise their reading skills and to share their learning with parents. Children and parents are encouraged to share other books at home on a regular basis. The children also have access to the 'Bug Club' on line reading world to support and enhance their learning and enjoyment of reading.

We provide a Homework Diary so that teachers and parents can communicate the progress that the children make. We really value this partnership between home and school, suggesting that parents aim for ten minutes of reading and listening per day. Short, enjoyable sessions encourage children to read for pleasure, whilst regular additional practice really does boost skills!

In the Juniors, children are still expected to read at home, every night. When children become more confident readers it is not necessary to listen to them read every night. We would be grateful though if you could sign their diary so we know they have read.

Please see the letter below for details of our new Reading Award Initiative in school.